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把眼光從自己移開而注目看耶穌, 活的就不累, 不孤獨, 不難過...
只因他是全能神, 擁有完整的愛, 關懷和希望要給你...
定睛看耶穌的話, 每一天都可以充滿著盼望, 喜樂, 愛和平安.
I can't agree with you more on the title of this post: 謊言的世界. This world is full of lies, and I agree because it's governed by satan and all his demon angels. We don't belong to this world, and I definitely believe that when we come before the mighty Judge the day we go to heaven we will see that heaven is more real than this world.
Well, someone says life is like a dream, but hey, it doesn't have to be like that. Jesus didn't say that, but rather we gotta live this life to the fullest.
Tell you the truth, I was just asking myself whether I've been happy with me life, and I realized since the beginning of this year I've been living for tomorrow, not eternity. And I don't want that because I know there's a eternal assurance, but it depends on how I live my life right now.
I love you so much bro. Jesus loves you too.
"They hit me," you will say, "but I'm not hurt! They beat me, but I don't feel it! When will I wake up so I can find another drink?"
-Proverbs 23:35-
That life is not for me or you.
My son, give me your heart and let your eyes keep to my ways.
-Proverbs 23:26-
thnx a lot guys>"<.....
i just had the thought after i listened to a song.
u guys encouraged me a lot, the world always suck me back in cuz i thought bcuz i lived in it. but then sometimes i dunno who to turn to. and my brain cells kept on dying. hopefully i can be living like u guys, but then is hard sometimes for me to be the real me.
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